Earth is special. It's the only planet we know about that can support life. In fact, Earth is sometimes called the "Goldilocks planet" because it's neither too hot nor too cold, and its conditions are "just right" for the plants and animals that evolved here.
In honor of Earth Day, we invite you to celebrate our amazing home planet and discover ways to keep it balanced and healthy.
Life on Earth is also available in

| VIDEOOur Place in Space Ever wonder how Earth fits in among the planets, stars, and galaxies? The museum's Our Place in Space program explores the special traits that make Earth perfect for life as we know it. With this 19-minute video, you can watch us in action at Stanfield Public Library and enjoy the whole program at home! |
 | CRAFTBalancing Earth The big challenges facing Earth today can be balanced out when people take care of the environment. Can you help balance the Earth? Create your own Balancing Earth toy and find out. Download our guide and templates to get started. |
 | ACTIVITYCity Nature Challenge Every observation from the rarest butterfly to the most common backyard weed helps us understand the world around us. Be part of a community of observers in the City Nature Challenge, an international effort by everyday people to find and document plants and wildlife in cities around the world. It involves three easy steps: record your observations, share with your fellow naturalists, and discuss your findings. You can do it all by downloading the free iNaturalist app, then join the Eugene/Springfield challenge! Check out the challenge’s education toolkit for lesson plans and activities for all ages. |
 | ACTIVITYBuilding with Nature Create a tower or other structure with natural materials you find in your yard or near your home. Show us what you built! Post a pic on social media and tag the museum. |
 | ACTIVITYFor the Birds Check out these 32 easy homemade bird feeders and find one (or more) that you can make from stuff around the house. |
 | ACTIVITYBird's Eye View Observe the Osprey family that calls the University of Oregon home! The UO Law School's real-time Osprey Cam runs 24/7. |
Explore our other at-home adventures.
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